June 12, 2013

A baby quilt finish for my coming nephew

This is the first good baby quilt I've ever made, and I've made two. (The first baby quilt I made was in 2010 and was a bit of a design disaster. I still posted it on my completed projects page since it was my first, but I am not proud of it. I didn't know anything about choosing fabrics and putting them into a complementary design. Plus, I finished it a week before I found out I was having a baby boy and didn't do well choosing unisex patterns and colors, so it didn't end up being right for my son.) Anyway, I'd like to call this my first real baby quilt!

Baby Quilt - Forest Path

It's called Forest Path, because of the way I designed the shashing and because of the forest animal theme. My nephew will be born in the Colorado Mountains at about 9600 ft altitude, so it is fitting that his room is themed forest animals. His mom has done a great job decorating it, and I hope she enjoys having this quilt around.

Baby Quilt - Forest Path

Being a working mom, I have started to machine bind my quilts. It's much faster and stronger, so for both of those reasons, I choose to do it more and more. However, it still takes skill, and I'm not perfect at it, but I'm improving. Here are more pictures. I have another baby quilt to finish for some friends' baby boy due one day after my nephew, so I better get cracking!

Baby Quilt - Forest Path

Oh, and the back in flannel!

Baby Quilt - Forest Path

With this quilt, I hope my nephew will always know his Aunt Loves him!

Baby Quilt - Forest Path


  1. Great finish, Stacey! I love how the sashing makes a zig-zag pattern. Your nephew will love it... And you!

    Lorna @ http://sewfreshquilts.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks so much Lorna! Quilting and sewing really is the best way ever to come up with gifts for people.
